Category: Ubuntu

Sublime Text 3 – Ubuntu – Package Control installation

If you’re running into the following error when attempting to install “Package Control’ for Sublime Text: urllib.error.URLError: Then you’ll need to install manually. The instructions suggest that you “Browse Packages”, then navigate to the “installed packages” directory. However, if you’re like me, the “Installed Packages” directory is not up the directory tree, it is down. […]

Broadcom Wireless and Ubuntu

If you’ve recently built a system with a broadcom wireless configuration with Ubuntu and noticed your wireless networks are nowhere to be found, then you’ll need to update your drivers (specifically adding wl). This page will probably help: It is a pain, but once it is configured it generally works.

Rails slow on Ubuntu Virtualbox instance

I ran into an issue where a Rails 3.1 application running on Ubuntu 12.04 in a VirtualBox instance (development) was running ridiculously slow. Sometimes, before the server would register a request, it would take >5 seconds, then another 5 seconds just to load a simple view. Obviously, this is an unacceptable amount of time when […]