Indexing PDF documents using sunspot / solr seemed like a difficult task initially. There are a number of tutorials dealing with this topic but they seemed overly complicated. In the end, I decided the simplest way to go about providing search functionality for indexed PDF documents was to 1) parse the documents locally 2) input […]
Tag: heroku
Heroku Rails 4 assets missing
If you’ve recently loaded a new Rails 4 application to Heroku and your assets are missing (css, js, etc) – you’re not alone. Add the following lines to your production.rb (or staging.rb) environment configuration files: config.serve_static_assets = true config.assets.compile = true Then push the changes up to Heroku and you’re good to go.
Rails 4.0 / Postgresql / Heroku / Connection timeout
If you attempt to deploy a new application to Heroku using Rails 4.0.0, with a default postgresql configuration in your gemfile, such as: gem ‘pg’ Then, heroku will assume you are requesting PG version 0.12.2. This causes errors. Instead, to avoid connection errors (timeout, undefined constant, etc), you need a more recent version: gem ‘pg’, […]
Heroku – connect to different database and transfer data to current environment
If you run into a situation where you’ve been developing an application in a live heroku development environment and have entered a substantial amount of live data that you don’t want to reenter into your live production environment, then connecting to your development instance’s database and retrieving the specific data you are interested in might […]
Heroku postgreSQL – password authentication failed for user
If you just created a new PostgreSQL database for your Heroku App and are running into the following error: “password authentication failed for user” Try running the following command at the CLI: heroku pg:promote THE_DATABASE_NAME_HERE This should clear up the issue.
Keep heroku from falling asleep / idling (even with PHP)
Ruby on Rails Scenario The easiest way to keep a Rails App from idling is to use New Relic Standard (free), in conjunction with their availability monitoring. You can do this in a couple of ways: Issue the following command with the Heroku Toolkit heroku addons:add newrelic:stark Or, login to your heroku account and provision […]
Monitor production resque with local resque-web
This post assumes you are processing background jobs on a development/production environment utilizing Redis and Resque. If you’re monitoring your local resque instance with resque-web, just run the following commands to change the resque-web’s redis reference to your production redis instance resque-web -K resque-web -r [your redis location] If you’re using RedisToGo, for instance, you […]
WordPress on Heroku
I wanted a simple way to push WordPress to Heroku. It doesn’t get much simpler than this In regards to using your own custom domain name, the tutorial recommends using A records with a set of defined IP addresses. Instead, I think the better approach is to use a CNAME record pointing to your […]