Month: December 2014

Rails 4, Carrierwave, Remote file url uploading

If you’re running into the following error when attempting to use Carrierwave to upload a remote file url: TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String Then you’re probably very frustrated at the moment. I dug into the carrierwave gem to figure the issue out exactly, however I realized there was an easier (and much […]

Grep list only unique filenames

To list unique filenames using grep, do the following: grep -irl “search-term” .   Notice the ‘l’ flag, short for –files-with-matches, defined as “Suppress normal output; instead print the name of each input file from which output would normally have been printed. The scanning will stop on the first match.” The i flag just makes […]

Fix footer to bottom if no vertical scrollbar

If you need a footer to stick to the bottom when there is no vertical scrollbar, do the following: $(document).ready(function() { if($(“body”).height() <= $(window).height()){ $(“.footer-container”).css(“bottom”, 0); $(“.footer-container”).css(“position”, “absolute”); $(“.footer-container”).css(“width”,”100%”); } });   This will ensure the footer sticks to the bottom of the browser when there is no scrollbar (eliminating the weird empty space that […]