GitHub will occasionally hide the Diff for various files in your pull requests (PRs). During a large review, this can get a little annoying. I wanted to avoid installing an extension to solve the problem, so this code will open each of the “Load Diff” areas automatically from the console: for(i=0; iā¹document.getElementsByClassName(“js-button-text”).length; i++){ document.getElementsByClassName(“js-button-text”)[i].click();}
Category: Javascript
CKeditor – remove top toolbar and bottom toolbar
To use the CKeditor without the top and bottom toolbars, do the following: config.removePlugins = “toolbar,elementspath” config.resize_enabled = false This will remove both the capability to resize the dialog and remove the grey toolbar at the bottom, as well as the entire top toolbar, without the need for CSS modifications. If you’re using the […]